Navigating Remote Work Opportunities in Tech

8 min readFeb 27, 2024


The tech industry, renowned for its innovative edge and adaptability, has increasingly embraced remote work, a trend significantly accelerated by recent global events. This transition not only reflects the sector’s responsiveness to changing circumstances but also highlights a broader shift in work culture, prioritizing flexibility, and employee well-being.

Statistics and trends: How many tech companies are going remote?

As of 2024, the tech industry has seen a notable stabilization in the adoption of remote work, with a blend of fully remote, in-office, and hybrid models being embraced by companies and workers alike. A significant 16% of companies worldwide are now fully remote, showcasing a definitive shift towards remote work arrangements​​. This transition is driven by a myriad of factors, including the desire for a better work-life balance, which remains the primary reason individuals choose remote work. Furthermore, remote workers report a $4,000 higher average annual income than their in-office counterparts, indicating not only a shift in where work is done but also its financial benefits​​.

The tech industry, in particular, has been at the forefront of this shift, with tech giants and startups alike adopting remote or hybrid models. For example, major companies like Twitter and Shopify have announced permanent remote work options, signaling a long-term commitment to this flexible work arrangement. This move has also impacted real estate markets, as seen in cities like San Francisco, where the median price of one-bedroom rentals dropped significantly following the tech industry’s pivot to remote work​​.

Remote work’s rising popularity is further evidenced by the productivity benefits reported by those who work from home. A staggering 77% of remote workers say they’re more productive when working from home​​. This sentiment is mirrored in the tech industry, where the nature of work often lends itself to remote setups, allowing for focused, uninterrupted work periods that can enhance productivity and innovation.

These statistics and examples illustrate a clear trend: the tech industry is not only adapting to remote work but is also setting the pace for its adoption across other sectors. The move towards remote work is reshaping not only how work is performed but also where professionals choose to live, how companies are structured, and what employees value in their work arrangements.

Work Models

The tech industry’s job market in 2024 reflects a significant adaptation to remote work, with various work models — remote, on-site, and hybrid — being utilized to cater to diverse needs and preferences. Here’s a breakdown of these work models along with links to the sources for further exploration:

  • Remote Work: This model allows employees to work from anywhere outside the company’s physical office space, including from home, co-working spaces, coffee shops, or even another country. An Owl Labs study highlighted a 24% increase in employees choosing to work remotely in 2022, emphasizing the growing traction of this model. Remote work offers benefits like zero commute time, access to a diverse talent pool, and increased employee productivity, but it also presents challenges such as management difficulties, potential lack of communication, and social isolation (Employment Law Handbook). As of January 2023, 12.54% of US job vacancies posted online explicitly offered hybrid or exclusively remote work. This share has seen a substantial increase from 3.53% in pre-pandemic January 2020 to an all-time high of 13.01% in November 2022 (FinMasters).
  • On-Site Work: The traditional model where employees work at the company’s office. It fosters increased productivity, efficient communication, better collaboration, and a structured routine. However, it comes with cons such as long commute times, increased costs for the company, and a limited talent pool due to geographical constraints (Employment Law Handbook).
  • Hybrid Work: A blend of on-site and remote work, the hybrid model offers improved work-life balance, increased productivity, and access to a broader talent pool. It requires proactive planning and communication from both employees and employers. Challenges include managing a dispersed workforce, potential feelings of isolation, and collaboration hurdles (Employment Law Handbook).

These statistics and trends showcase the changing landscape of work in the tech industry, highlighting the industry’s responsiveness to changing global work dynamics and employee preferences. The future of work in tech seems to be leaning towards more flexible arrangements, offering various opportunities for professionals to find roles that best suit their lifestyle and work preferences.

Remote-First vs. Remote-Friendly: Understanding the Difference

In work culture, particularly within the tech industry, two terms frequently arise: remote-first and remote-friendly. Understanding the difference between these two approaches is crucial for both employers designing their work policies and employees navigating job options.


A remote-first approach is one where a company’s processes, tools, and operations are designed primarily for remote work. This doesn’t exclude the existence of physical office spaces but signifies that remote work is the default mode. In a remote-first organization:

  • Policies and communication strategies are optimized for remote participation, ensuring that remote employees are not at a disadvantage compared to their in-office counterparts.
  • Meetings, collaborations, and company events are conducted in a way that is accessible and inclusive for everyone, regardless of their physical location.
  • The company culture promotes and supports remote work as an integral aspect of its identity, often allowing for greater flexibility in work hours and locations.


Conversely, a remote-friendly approach is one where companies allow for remote work but are primarily designed for in-office work. In remote-friendly organizations:

  • There may be certain policies and tools in place to accommodate remote workers, but the primary workflow and communication might still favor those who are physically present in the office.
  • Remote work is allowed, and perhaps some roles are fully remote, but the company culture, meetings, and most activities are centered around the office environment.
  • Employees working remotely might need to adapt to schedules and processes that are designed with in-office workers in mind.

Key Differences

The fundamental difference lies in the default working and communication style adopted by the company.

  • Remote-first companies build their entire operation around the assumption that team members will work remotely, ensuring equality in access, participation, and opportunity.
  • Remote-friendly companies, while supportive of remote work, might still operate with a bias towards in-office practices, potentially leading to a two-tier system where remote employees might feel left out of spontaneous discussions, decision-making processes, or social interactions that occur in the office.

For employees, choosing between a remote-first and a remote-friendly employer involves considering one’s preferred working style, the need for flexibility, and how each model impacts their work-life balance and career growth.

  • Remote-first environments might be more appealing to those seeking the utmost flexibility and who are comfortable with digital communication and collaboration tools.
  • On the other hand, remote-friendly environments might suit individuals who appreciate the option of working from home but value occasional in-person interactions and the structure of an office environment.

Understanding these distinctions helps in making informed decisions about job opportunities and how they align with personal and professional preferences for work environment and culture.


​In the landscape of remote work, several companies have emerged as leaders in adopting remote-first and remote-friendly policies.

Remote-First Companies:

  • Shopify: Announced by CEO Tobi Lutke, Shopify transitioned to a digital-by-default company, emphasizing remote work as its new standard.
  • Box: CEO Aaron Levie expressed that the company would inevitably embrace more flexible work, allowing employees to work from anywhere.
  • Upwork: Known for its remote work foundation, Upwork, under CEO Hayden Brown, has permanently embraced a remote-first model.
  • Dropbox: Transitioned to remote work permanently in 2020, ensuring its associates feel connected and supported in a remote working environment.
  • Pinterest: CFO Todd Morgenfeld stated that the company is rethinking where future employees could be based, supporting a more distributed workforce.

Remote-Friendly Companies:

  • Blackbaud: Offers technology solutions to nonprofit organizations and hires for positions with remote work options.
  • Known for its flagship app for relaxation and mental wellness, offers various remote work options alongside unlimited paid time off.
  • Ceros: Empowers designers and marketers to create content without coding, hiring for hybrid and fully remote positions.
  • ConsumerAffairs: An online marketplace aiming to help consumers make informed decisions, offers remote job opportunities.
  • Datavant: Aims to eliminate healthcare information silos, employing a distributed, remote-first team to foster a diverse and inclusive work environment.

These examples illustrate the spectrum of remote work policies within the tech industry, from companies fully committing to remote-first principles to those offering remote-friendly options, allowing employees to choose the best work environment for their needs.

For more detailed insights into these companies and their remote work policies, please visit Build Remote for a list of companies going remote permanently and FlexJobs for a compilation of remote-first companies with great cultures.

How to find remote work

For tech professionals seeking remote opportunities, numerous platforms and websites specialize in remote tech job listings. These platforms not only offer job postings but also provide resources, community support, and advice for remote work. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • LinkedIn: Beyond being a professional networking site, LinkedIn has a robust job search feature where you can filter positions by “Remote” under the location options. It covers a wide range of industries including tech. Visit LinkedIn
  • AngelList: Tailored for startups, AngelList provides a platform for tech professionals to find remote work in emerging companies and startups around the world. Visit AngelList
  • Stack Overflow: Known for its community of developers, Stack Overflow’s job board offers numerous remote opportunities for developers, engineers, and other tech professionals. Visit Stack Overflow
  • FlexJobs: Specializing in remote and flexible jobs, FlexJobs vets each job posting to ensure its legitimacy, offering peace of mind to job seekers. It includes a wide range of tech jobs. Visit FlexJobs
  • We Work Remotely: As one of the largest remote work communities, We Work Remotely lists jobs in programming, design, and other tech-related fields. Visit We Work Remotely
  • curates a list of remote jobs from tech to writing, making it easier for professionals to find remote work opportunities in their field. Visit
  • Remote OK: Targeting digital nomads and remote workers, Remote OK offers a variety of tech jobs that can be done from anywhere. Visit Remote OK

These platforms are an excellent starting point for tech professionals seeking remote work opportunities. Each offers unique features and caters to different aspects of the tech industry, so exploring several can help you find the best fit for your career goals and preferences.


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